Tuesday, April 3, 2007

anti-war protests, single-payer healthcare and too much crowded jails in France

I do not personally believe in lunar influence on people, but how would you explain a 'wave' of protests around the whole world at the end of March? The NoComment News group showed us some quite unusual protests around the world.

Everything started with the Antiwar protests; particularly a beach antiwar rally in Naples, Fl. is the most impressive

On the placards of other protesters you can read: "Single Payer HealthCare for all" in Manhattan

"Fair deal for cleaners" somewhere in the US

"Ringling Beats Animals" on Madison Sq. Garden (Ringling is a circus company)

There was also a protest against too many crowded jails in France and, below, Churchill House Protest in Great Britain

And who would expect that these constitute only 10% of the protests that occurred around the world in these few days?

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