Saturday, April 28, 2007

Parade Without a Permit, civil rights

Freedom of Assembly Protest - NYC

(the photo is from NoComment News group on Flickr)
On April 19th, The Radical Homosexual Agenda (RHA), with other civil rights interested groups,  holded a "Parade Without a Permit" at City Hall at 4 pm to protest the new NYPD parade permit rules. The Assemble For Rights NYC coalition stands in solidarity with RHA and these groups and joined them Thursday in their first amendment protected peaceful assembly.

Do you know what NYPD parade permit rules?
Despite outcries from the public, numerous community groups, the NYC Bar Association, civil rights advocates, and members of City Council, Ray Kelly and the leadership at the New York Police Department have pushed ahead with new parade permit rules which will have a dramatic chilling effect on the exercise of our free speech rights. On Friday January 28th the NYPD promulgated new rules that require groups of 50 or more to obtain a permit if they want to gather on a sidewalk, in the road, or in the parks. The rules effect pedestrians, vehicles, and cyclists alike. The NYPD can begin enforcing them starting February 25th. (

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