Sunday, April 15, 2007

Tartan Parade, New York

Tartan Parade (27)

What you see above is the 9th Annual New York Tartan Day Parade that happened on Saturday, April 14, 2007. This is one of the largest Scottish parades in the world and is included in a series of 10 great events known as Tartan Week in New York.
Here are some stats for you to have more details about the Tartan parade:
- tickets were sold at $25 each
- official count of registered participants: 1865 (acc. to the official site )
- 798 pipes and drums
- 20 clans were present
Bored? Then see the pictures on NoComment News group! I really enjoyed them :)
Have you been there? I would love to comment on a photo of Tartan Week Football Match!

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