Tuesday, June 19, 2007

6 facts about last week - in pictures!

6 facts about last week (in pictures!):

1) Naked bike protest was held in several cities of the USA, France, UK. The protest was against oil dependancy.

2) Anti G8 demonstrations were held not only in Germany, but in Second Life as well.

3) Great Gorilla Run in San Francisco showed that a few gorillas still live in the world.

4) Rome protested against Bush visit, a week later the city held Gay Pride Parade 2007.

5) By the way, most Gay Pride parades around the world happen in June. This is to oppose to Father's Day with its family values.

6) In the meantime, flickr was blocked in China and censored in Germany and North Korea; Comcast island launched in Second Life; and a woman answered 'Yes, I do' on top of Taipei 101.

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